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Doreen Christina-Marie Baker - Мемориальный вебсайт онлайн

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Doreen Baker
Родился вCanada
20 years
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История жизни
Сентябрь 2, 1984
Born in Canada Alert Bay BC on September 2, 1984.
Апрель 23, 2005
Passed away on April 23, 2005.
Июнь 27, 2007

Doreen was born and raised in Alert Bay BC were she love and respected every thing around her. she became very strong in her culture both Coast Salish from her mothers side and Tsasala cultural group Doreen was the second daughter to Denise Baker( Nelson) who still lives in Alert Bay, Doreen leave behind two younger sister Mary Donna-Lee Joseph and Karen Eliszabeth Joseph The both gave birth to Denises first granddaughters Jasmine Patrica-ann Gearaldine Hanuse and Ariana sharon Doreen Alfred also a very handsome Nephew Harlan oscar jole Hanuse. Doreen was also carring Denises first Grandchild when she left this world. Doreen was very strong in sports soccer was her favorite pass time She was a being a Godmother to many children at a young age Doreen was wise and gracious beyound her years: she leaves many cherished memories of her beautirul smile, loving heart and her loyalty to family, friends culture and children.

NO mother should have to lay a child to rest this is so wrong.

I miss you so much my days are like waves some are flat com like glass then some are hurricanes then i get my perfet storms

But through the grace of God he is keeping me from going nut at times

with out the walk with the Lord I tell ya just wouldnt be

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